Al contrario del pensamiento popular, el texto de Lorem Ipsum no es simplemente texto aleatorio.


I remember being awed by the concept of a video phone from Back To The Future II. Remember that scene where Jennifer, Marty’s girlfriend, is hiding in the closet of her 2015 house to see Marty get fired over the phone… er… TV.

I remember being blown away by the TV that covered the wall and could display multiple channels at the same time. It was as if Robert Zemeckis & the writers had peered into my 9 year old brain and knew that every red-blooded American boy that wanted to be like his father knew that 6 viewing spaces meant 6 spaces to channel surf. 2015 was going to be a glorious year!

And, here we are in 2009…
– I watched the news from two different stations at the same time on my widescreen TV this AM.
– I just video chatted through my computer, that consequently I plug into my TV from time to time.
– And the clothing styles from 1989 are becoming popular again (as proven by Kanye’s “Lionel Ritchie Mullet” sported on the Grammies last night).

Now if only they’d get on those hover-boards & dehydrated pizzas…


PJ Towle

artist / designer / musician
