Al contrario del pensamiento popular, el texto de Lorem Ipsum no es simplemente texto aleatorio.

God used Facebook to Punch Me in the Face.

I recently heard sin described as “missing the mark.”  Which really explains how integral grace is for us.  We need grace.  PERIOD.   Not deserve it. We can’t expect it.  But, need we need it; can’t live without it.

It then makes me realize that when I get more concerned about how the “service went yesterday” or that “people seemed disconnected;” on some level, I’m sinning.  It’s my pride.  I’m letting the service become my god.  I’m not thinking that GOD decided to move.  I can so easily get caught up in the fact that GOD doesn’t need me.  He wants me, but He’ll still be without me.  I’m the one that needs the grace.  I’m the one that’s supposed to surrender.  I’m the one that needs the change.  I’m the one with issues.  Not GOD.

So, here I am on Monday morning having just started the prep for this weekend (because as they say in church work… “Sunday’s-a-coming”).  Working all this thought through makes me think, I see how people don’t focus on excellence.  It’d be really easy to say, “God’s gonna move if He wants to, so I’m just gonna throw something together.”  I think this is sinning, too.  GOD calls for our best.  If worship is for GOD, then you can bet your butt that I’m going to do the best I possibly can.  So, it’s a tricky balance, as so many things are.

A few minutes before I started writing this, I got a phone call from a friend complimenting the band from yesterday and telling me how much the music touched her yesterday… God moved in her.  Which brings my mind to something on saw on Facebook.  Yesterday afternoon I saw what a friend’s wall post to mutual friend’s page.  The page has been kept up in memorial to our friend.  She passed away last year and taught us all so much of faith and how to be graceful through tough patches:

We learned in church today about how Jesus was kinda an unfair guy. And, that grace was given to those willing to receive it, despite what they may have done in the past.  The whole time I couldn’t help but think of your words….
“I am saved by God’s grace and THAT’S not fair.”

It kind of puts it all in perspective, doesn’t it?

Grace is given to those who receive it, despite what they may
[or may not] have done in the past.

Thank GOD for that.

PJ Towle

artist / designer / musician
