Al contrario del pensamiento popular, el texto de Lorem Ipsum no es simplemente texto aleatorio.


It’s been a couple of weeks since a fairly long email/text/twitter conversation with a friend that was trying to comment on my joke blog and wasn’t able to find the “submit comment” button.  Turns out that the theme I was using was “damaged” in my upgrade to WordPress 3.0.


But, when all was said and done…  I think we have a winner.  I’ve been through a lot of themes in my short couple of years blogging and this is the first one that I feel like screams “PJ” in it’s look.  It’s te overly visual nature of it that I like.  Images have always drawn me in more than words when I see them.  I am not one of those people that sees a book and breaks into a sweat wanting to read it.  Never have been.  Never will be.

So, here we are back in the saddle.  New theme all set up.  Ideas in the works and more coming soon!

Check back often.


PJ Towle

artist / designer / musician


One thought on “BACK IN BUSINESS//

  1. John

    Ahhh…. freedom to leave a comment – I like it! Now we can begin the dialogue.

    Like the theme too!

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