Al contrario del pensamiento popular, el texto de Lorem Ipsum no es simplemente texto aleatorio.


I used to get headaches and not worry about it.  Fight through it and work a little harder.  Drink a cup of coffee and move on.

Last December I cut out caffine… hence the bi-line of my blog.  It’s been a litte rough from time to time, but most days I hardly notice any more.

I didn’t used to take anything for headaches.  Now, if I don’t, Angie gets pissed that I’m whining about having one and/or scowling too much and just gets me the Aleve.

I was out probably a little too late last night (thanks, Eric) and had to get up a little too early this morning (thanks, Clark).  I had some regular coffee at 6am to wake me up.

Bad choice.

Now, all day I’ve had the jitters.  I’ve been hungry WAY more than normal.  I’ve had to pee about every 45 minutes.

And, yes, I now have a headache.

“Kids, the moral of the story is: Stick to your guns.  Don’t give in because you’re ‘tired.’  Just take the stupid drugs and be done with it from the get go.”


“Caffine is stupid.”

Which do you like?  Leave your comments…

PJ Towle

artist / designer / musician


2 thoughts on “Headaches…

  1. thetechnician

    I gave up caffeine last April, and have only had 3 drinks with caffeine since then. one of those times was just a couple of sips, but I paid for it each time with headaches. Most days I have more energy then when I was drinking tons of MT Dew, and frappachinos(I never liked hot coffee)…

  2. zfretz59

    I had six cups of regular coffee this morning. :oÞ

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