Al contrario del pensamiento popular, el texto de Lorem Ipsum no es simplemente texto aleatorio.

The Moment Before The Moment You Know You Should Be Doing Something Else

I just had that moment.

For the last 4 hours I’ve been sitting in the same chair (minus the few minutes to hit the restroom) at a Starbucks© working on more things than I can count.  I had a coupon for a free tea latte.  It was good.  I HIGHLY recommend the Vanilla Rooibos (roy-bus) Latte.  Then I had an Americano… decaf of course (which consequently tastes better from a ceramic mug than a paper cup).

I asked myself what I want to do and what I need to do.  I want to get up and have another cup of coffee stare out the window.  My friend Mandy told me once that through all of my excitement and enthusiasm I’m really a very melancholy person.  Still not sure how to take that.  But, on days like this… rainy & gray… I see it.

What I need to do is go home and make the brownies for our LTG tonight (get hyped people!).  That means the 30 mins they bake, I get to play some music.

My need is now my want.

Side note: A kid just walked out of the SBUX in plaid shorts… I know it’s in the mid-5os today, but it’s not THAT warm.  I think plaid shorts for men are like white pants for women: you shouldn’t wear them until after Memorial Day.


PJ Towle

artist / designer / musician
