Al contrario del pensamiento popular, el texto de Lorem Ipsum no es simplemente texto aleatorio.

Belief that Skynet could happen…

I’m a sci-fi nut.  It’s true.  My little brother likes to remind me how much of a dork I was in grade school.  Star Trek was my favorite show.  It’s true.  I watched it all the way through school.  All the forms of it.  I still watch it.  Now Angie makes fun of me.  I don’t see the problem with it.  Why wouldn’t you want to dream about the advances in human history.  Why would be so selfish to think that we (humans) are the only intelligent life in the vastness of the galaxy.  That would be like a painter only painting one picture… ever.  I do see this human/earth painting as continual, but as an artist, I create ALL THE FREAKIN’ TIME.  I can totally see God doing that.  Life on Mars doesn’t seem that odd to me.  All to say, I like to dream.  And I’m super pumped about the new Star Trek movie.

The Terminator Movies (while fun to watch) I never really got into for the plot (I know, you’re thinking “Star Trek plots work for you!?” … but they do.)  The thought that computers would take over the world was a little too much to bite off.  I mean, what happened to their power button?  But, more and more I’m seeing that it could happen.

In the last 2 weeks, Angie’s computer has crashed twice and I realized how much we rely on our computers.  Recipes, pictures, music… our lives have been dumped into these computers.  These machines probably know more about us than anyone… er… thing.  If this machine grew legs and could talk, it would know every button of mine to push to get under my skin.  Then it would find a shotgun, some sunglasses, and a leather jacket; blow my head off, and start taking over the world.

So, here I am at 11:30 on a Thursday (busiest night of my week followed by the earliest morning of my week) finalizing a new hard drive in her HP.  Welcome to our friend circle, my new/mircochipped friend.  I hope you stick around longer than the last.

Oh, so many disks.
Oh, so many disks.
The guts.
The guts.

PJ Towle

artist / designer / musician
