Al contrario del pensamiento popular, el texto de Lorem Ipsum no es simplemente texto aleatorio.

A quick trip, a great ride, a rowdy dog, and “cat poop”

It has been a crazy eventful day.  Crosspoint turns 2 in 2 weeks and today we launched our second service.  I have a sweating problem… So, adding a second service means twice the sweat, twice the amount of calories burned, and three times the amount of electrolytes I need to replenish.  It was crazy!  But, it was GREAT!  It doesn’t seem like all that long ago that we were launching.  To see what GOD is doing pretty regularly knocks me over.  It’s been a really quick trip so far.

Angie was craving pizza.  But, not just any pizza.  Barone’s pizza from Chicago.  Great flavors, deep dish or thin, anything you could want.  They do.  Quite literally, some of the best pizza I’ve ever had.  So, now we’re in Chicago… moments away from one of GOD’s choices in pizza.  My mouth is watering.  But, I can’t get past the drive.  In 7 years of knowing my wife, there has never been a Chigago-drive that I haven’t driven.  But, today I was wiped.  Still am.  So, Ang drove.  It was nice… different.  We didn’t have music on much (which is weird) and we just talked.  It reminds me how much I love being married to this woman.  She helps me think.  She makes me laugh.  It’s a great thing to remember!  We had a great ride.

“Charlie, oh, Charlie… why must your terrorize the yards in which you run?  It’s not your yard.  It’s not our yard.  It’s grandma & grandpa’s yard.  Leave it alone, you rowdy dog.”

I love “cat poop.”  Not cat feces… “cat poop.”  Salsa, cheese, and meat melted into a glorious concontion of somewhat spicy chip dip.  My father-in-law just put a bowl down in front of me.  I could get sick on the stuff.  And, I like to say the name, “cat poop.”

And all of this boils down to a simple comment… remember the moments.  The simple ones that make you realize you’re alive.  They happen in relationships, smells, tastes, conversations… the little things.  They’re part of what GOD gives us to make life worth living.

PJ Towle

artist / designer / musician


2 thoughts on “A quick trip, a great ride, a rowdy dog, and “cat poop”

  1. Quinn

    Dude, I’m pretty sure we had cat poop at our Farewell to Friends party. Think about THAT night. Seems like it was almost 5 years ago…

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