Al contrario del pensamiento popular, el texto de Lorem Ipsum no es simplemente texto aleatorio.


About a week ago, I was having coffee with a friend that told me he told me about a 20-something nephew that takes picture of his poop.
Obviously, post-movement.
In the toilet.
He documents them.  Keeps files on his computer.  And, he shares them with people.

Weirdest and one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard.

But, don’t we all do this?  I know I do.  I carry around my own crap all the time.  I keep my guilt and beat myself up over it regularly for years.
Over and over.

And, grace enters the scene.  I feel that I give it well.  But, I don’t accept it well.  I need to be better at it.  Especially at accepting it from and for myself and letting go of my guilt.

Thank God for grace.



PJ Towle

artist / designer / musician


2 thoughts on “PICTURES OF YOUR OWN S#*+?

  1. What a great – although gross – illustration PJ

    I’m tired of carrying around poop – Jesus washed it away so why do we keep lugging it around??

  2. zfretz59

    Liz’s cousin does that too, so I guess that it isn’t too weird.

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