Al contrario del pensamiento popular, el texto de Lorem Ipsum no es simplemente texto aleatorio.


So, you know those days when you’re super-psyched about what you have planned.
Work, school, family time, whatever…
Then it kind of goes south…
Sucks doesn’t it.


This morning @xptonline we had one of those moments… er … hours.  It was tough to stomach, but logistically, it was just one of our worst services ever.
Nothing worked.
Videos…  ziltch.
Hip-hop beat worked in with bass drum sub drops and 80’s synths… out of whack.
Groovy transitions to heighten anticipation while keeping a sense of fun… not too groovy.
Verbal transitions and prayers to bring moments of reflection and thought… nothing.
And, we were baptizing today.  Things should be PERFECT for that.

But, then 2nd hour was like clock work.
Videos worked via back up plans.
Hip-hop beats, drops, synths worked like a charm (including me wearing lime green DJ headphones).
It all just worked.
The fun came back.
It was almost like we were too focused before.  Too stressed.  Too concerned about what we wanted it to be.
It was fun.  We let go.  We trusted this time.


And, we baptized today.  To me it’s the biggest human decision ever celebrated in the church and I always approach it VERY heavy.  It’s an exciting thing and to forget the weight of the moment, the anticipation of the decision, and the grace found just beneath the surface of the pool would be tragic.

But, we do.  I do.  I get caught up in details and can forget the spirit of the moment not to mention the movement of the Spirit… and things go wrong.

It always seems the moments when things go horribly wrong are those moments when GOD moves the most.

Then I got this text from a friend:
“Despite tech difficulties: sound, voices, and service as a whole was effective first hour.  May u worship even as you lead others!”

And, we did.  Not just because things went right the second time.
But, because GOD moved today.
And, we got to see it… be a part of it.
We saw life change today.


It was a good day.


PJ Towle

artist / designer / musician


One thought on “AND…//

  1. Anderson

    I felt the pain and frustration as well.
    I’m glad God doesn’t depend on our performance to touch a life. It’s more fun when things go perfectly on our end, because it helps us feel/think like we significantly contributed or had part in God’s moving, and…well, it’s more fun.

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