Al contrario del pensamiento popular, el texto de Lorem Ipsum no es simplemente texto aleatorio.


So, I’m going to pretend that I haven’t taken nearly 3 months off from blogging and pretend that thousands of people have been reading everything I’ve been pretend writing in that time and that everyone checks back regularly and is hanging on my every word…

… not really.


So, I’ve been thinking about LOVE & MARRIAGE a lot recently. Mostly, because we’re starting a new series at Crosspoint this week and I’ve been prepping for it for the last few weeks… but not last week. I was on vacation last week.
Angie had to work.
Isaac still went to daycare.
But, I stayed home.
Fixed things.
Built things.
Worked through most of the ever growing “honey-do” list that we have running.
Played a LOT of guitar.
Just had a good “manly” week.

During the week we had an “anniversary” or sorts. (I say “of sorts,” because those people that celebrate every date that anything in their lives ever happened drive me crazy. Maybe I’m just cynical, but no one really needs to celebrate the anniversary of “our 3 month anniversary” … besides, 3 months isn’t even ANNUAL… hence “anniversary!”) Maybe I’m just not that sentimental but there are only so many dates of importance that I can remember.

Enter iCal.

We import things into iCal to make sure that we remember them if we need to.
Adoption days.

And, last Tuesday, January 11 was one of those “anniversaries.” In 2003 on the date mentioned, Angie agreed to marry me. (I know… but she’s stuck with me now.) And, 7 months later we were married (August 2, 2003 just in case you were wondering if I knew THAT date.)
It wasn’t until after we were married and even a few years later that I realized I needed the help of a program to remember the important dates.

Thank you Steve Jobs.

So, if you looked at my iCal for what I did last week, you’d see a lot of emptiness in the scheduling.
I just kind of rolled with it.
Then we then spent the weekend in Chicago for a family get together for our niece’s 1st birthday party.
Quick trip, but a good one.
We always enjoy our time with Angie’s family, but it’s never as long as we’d like… mostly because I work on Sundays.
So most of the time when we’re there, it’s packed with time with everyone all together.
Eating mostly.

And, as I took in the weekend of being with the family and was thinking about this Love & Marriage series coming up, it hit me how much we change when we get married.

You’ve heard the joke: “As men get older they start to look like Sean Connery. And, as women get older they start to look like… well… Sean Connery.”
That’s not the change I’m talking about.
Plus it’s creepy.

I’m talking the little things. I mean, I still don’t like country music, but I’ve learned to like bluegrass. If you asked me 10 years ago what the best pizza I’d ever had was, I’d probably say Little Caesar’s. But, now I know of Barone’s.

So, what happened when I married a girl from Chicago?
1. I became a pizza snob.
2. I don’t feel like I’ve actually been to Chicago if I don’t have an Italian Beef sandwich.
3. I root for the Bears… when they’re not playing the Colts.
4. My love for the Cubs deepened.
5. Every now and then I catch myself drawing out an “a” sound in the middle of words. “ChicAAAgo.” (I’ve never said Chicago like that, but I can’t think of another example, but I’ve been told I do do it.) (And, yes I know I said “do do.”)
6. I think Jim Belushi is funnier.
7. I realized how much I like the commotion of big cities.

Funny stuff aside…
We’re not perfect.
But, I’m trying to make the bed more.
I pick up the house more.
I cook more.
I enjoy time at home with the family more.
And, I wouldn’t change any of it.
I’ll be wearing my Bears t-shirt on Sunday.
And, I’m glad that Love turned into Marriage and she said yes.

Love you, Chief.

PJ Towle

artist / designer / musician



  1. Bethany Wanza

    Love the pic……GO Bears!!!!

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