Al contrario del pensamiento popular, el texto de Lorem Ipsum no es simplemente texto aleatorio.


We’ve been on vacation this past week and I missed this coming out. It’s an excerpt from a sermon that Rob gave at Mars Hill in the last week.

This is the response to criticism that I’ve been waiting from from Rob. I think this is brilliant, hilarious, and pointed all at once.

I read Love Wins. I didn’t see what all the fuss was about.
Maybe it’s because I wear dark rimmed glasses.
Maybe it’s because I track with his thinking.
Maybe it’s because I hope that people do get another chance after they die.

Most people that I’ve told I read the book cringe without any knowledge beyond a few people’s comments online and the tizzy that followed.
I’ve found myself sticking up for Rob. (You’re welcome, Rob. This small time guy from Fishers, IN had your back.)
Maybe because Velvet Elvis and Everything Is Spiritual were so deeply transforming for me.
Perhaps I was wanting to believe the best, but in my core I just didn’t feel “icky” about it.

My friend Matt is a pastor near us.
Matt is one of my friends that I learn something from every time I’m with him.
He sent me a “paper” that he wrote in his response to reading Love Wins.
His main point to the reflection was his acceptance/pointing out that we’ve all been the ones throwing the stones at some point. We’ve all been the Pharisees. We’ve all been the ones that feel we’re owed something… and we need to be aware of it first to make a change.
A reaction I hope we all can attest too.

It wasn’t the best book I’ve ever read. It surely wasn’t Rob’s best, but it was deep. I think asking the question for exploration’s sake is important. I’m a relatively “seasoned” Christian and I’m still exploring what I read in Love Wins. I don’t know if a book has ever done that to me.

But, here are my take aways from the book:

I have some other friends.
They know GOD.
They know Jesus.
But, they very clearly have chosen to walk a different path.
You might say the reject the Holy Spirit.
And, I hope it’s not because of my stone throwing.

I hope they get another chance.
I hope I get another chance.
I hope GOD uses every opportunity to restore them.
I hope GOD uses every opportunity to restore me.
I hope they choose Him.
I hope I choose Him.

Frankly, I don’t know if they ever will.
They’re not choosing to now.
It breaks my heart.
It breaks GOD’s heart.
It cheapens what Jesus did for them now.
But, if/when they accept it, it will so strengthen what was done on the cross for them.

LOVE WINS, right?
I sure hope so.
Because I need it, too.


PJ Towle

artist / designer / musician


One thought on “ROB BELL COMES CLEAN

  1. Sam Richardson

    Great response PJ, I appreciate your insight.

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