Al contrario del pensamiento popular, el texto de Lorem Ipsum no es simplemente texto aleatorio.

A quick trip, a great ride, a rowdy dog, and “cat poop”

It has been a crazy eventful day.  Crosspoint turns 2 in 2 weeks and today we launched our second service.  I have a sweating problem… So, adding a second service means twice the sweat, twice the amount of calories burned, and three times the amount of electrolytes I need to replenish.  It was crazy!  But, […]

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Belief that Skynet could happen…

I’m a sci-fi nut.  It’s true.  My little brother likes to remind me how much of a dork I was in grade school.  Star Trek was my favorite show.  It’s true.  I watched it all the way through school.  All the forms of it.  I still watch it.  Now Angie makes fun of me.  I […]

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